Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I love when blogs have "themed" days to their posts! I think they are fun! So, I give you... Thankful Thursdays Top Three!!! (By the way, LOVE that name that I just came up with :)-

Let's keep it simple. Name the top 3 things that you are Thankful (grateful) for this week:

1) I went to my first Orioles game this week! I have a special place in my heart for these guys who play on the hometown MLB team... The Baltimore Orioles! It was last minute tickets that my cousin got from a Vendor for his company! Anywho... I was emailing my sister about the game plan for getting to the game and I said "I am so excited to see my SUMMER boys! I know they missed me!" (Yes, I know that I have never ACTUALLY met any of the Orioles, but we all cheer for the same MLB team.. Which means, they are my Summer boys!... I have this thing that I do where I take possession of large groups of people... I think it comes from growing up in a BIG Italian Family... Hello Family Vacation with 50+ people!) Best part was it was a GORGEOUS night and My boys WON!!! Congratulations O's!!!

2) Unexpectedly, last Saturday, I was able to go visit with a friend that I have not seen lately and it was just the motivation I needed to go to my next MK Party! So grateful for girlfriends that raise my belief and pick me up when I am down! That was definitely a well spent afternoon!

3) With all of the tragedy this week between Boston and Texas, I am SO thankful that I personally did not lose anyone. It makes you think about holding your loved ones closer and never leave the room mad at someone or without telling them that you love them. That was one of the most profound things I learned in my teens from the youth pastor at my Church. He told us that you are never guaranteed that you will see someone again. Don't ever let someone leave a room mad! I can honestly say that I don't always follow that advice, but when I remember it... I pray that God gives me one more chance to see that person.

What are your Thankful Thursday's Top Three?

Till next time,


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