Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston and more...

So the news of the explosions in Boston yesterday was tragic and brought back so many memories that should not exist, but do. I want to take a minute and just ask that you all pray for those that were injured or killed, those that were affected by this personally, and those that helped out and are still working on the investigation of this tragedy. Even though I did not lose anyone personally and did not know anyone that was injured, the realization is that someone in this world planned this attack. Whether it was a international terrorist attack or a local terrorist attack, I have to find the good in this somewhere. Thank you God for only letting 2 of the 5 explosions happen. Even though it may be hard to see the good, There is good out there... The people who ran towards the explosions to help out instead of running away in fear for their own lives, the police and firefighters who have been working to help all of the victims, the countless people in Boston who have opened up their homes to serve others who have no other place.

 I believe in the good in people and know that we all have it takes, we just have to put a little effort. What can you do today to show someone that there is love in this world. You may be like me and not able to physically go to Boston to help, but we can pray and we can put effort in life today to love others and show God's love to EVERYONE that we meet! You just don't know whose life you may change by a kind word or smile.



On another note, I have been wanting to join in with this link up for a while! I am really excited to join in each week with my progress of running a 5k this summer. My father ran a marathon for the Marine Corps Marathon two years ago and I truly admire him for being able to do it and completing the training necessary. He was going to run it again this past year, but unfortunately came down with a BAD sinus infection. He actually went to the ER which he never does! But, I have a dream to run it with him in the next few years. I know that with consistency in my training, I will be able to do it. But for now... I will be starting with a 5k. I am supposed to be running one coming up in May, but I am already behind in the training. I think if I kick up the training to every other day, I will be able to at least run half of the race. So, join me on my journey as I do the C25K challenge for the next month of intense training. Tomorrow, I will begin with W1D1.



  1. Hello!

    Welcome to blogland! I am excited that you joined the linkup and that you are training for the 5k with us! I am excited to see how your training goes!

    Have a GREAT Tuesday!

  2. I love that you shared the Fred Rogers quote. From now on I'll be there looking for the helpers.


  3. Thanks for sharing! That's an awesome dream, good for you!

  4. Hi Kaitie! I love the quote from Mr. Rogers - brings us back to good times and it's so true. I remember thinking when I first saw the footage of the bombs that people ran TOWARDS the bombs and not away; it brought tears to my eyes every time I saw them replay it. Great for you for training for your marathon! I am only a new runner and I can't even imagine how wonderful that would feel! So glad you linked up!

  5. Nice to meet you Kaitie! Thank you so much for linking up and sharing this week. Your post was beautiful and I really do love that Mr. Rogers quote. Such wisdom. Keep running! I'm excited to read about your progress!
